The Investment Manager
The Investment Manager is responsible for managing and marketing the fund’s shares. In addition to the investment guidelines outlined in the Investment Philosophy section, the Investment Manager shall abide by the legal requirements of the Capital Market Law number 95/1992 and its Ministerial Decision number 209/2007, some of which are as follows:
The Investment Manager shall not allocate more than 10% of the funds in one equity security and this proportion should not exceed 15% of the target company’s total shares.
The Investment Manager shall invest no more than 20% of the fund’s net asset value in the shares of another fund and this proportion should not exceed 5% of the target fund’s value.
Investments in related parties’ stocks and bonds should not exceed 20% of the fund’s funds.
Investments in the debt instruments of one company should not exceed 20% of the fund’s investments.
The fund management team is required to work in the best interests of achieving the fund’s target returns.
The Investment Manager shall not borrow any securities for the purpose of short selling, margin trading, or acquiring a company through related parties.
The Investment Manager is also responsible for engaging with a Management Services Company whose responsibilities include recording and storing all shareholder information, reporting to the Investment Manager the balance of fund shares each day, and reporting to shareholders on a quarterly basis the net asset value, the number of shares in the fund, and the history of earnings distributions.